Shao-peng Li (黎绍鹏)
Principal Investigator
Email: spli@des.ecnu.edu.cn
Research interest: Community ecology; Biodiversity; Biological invasion; Ecological succession
Profiles: Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Orcid | Researcherid

Yueqing Song (宋月青)
Email: 1243986029(at)qq.com
Research interest: Community ecology; Biodiversity
Yueqing is a PostDoc who is passionate about answering interesting questions in island biogeography.
Profiles: ResearchGate

Wenbo Yu (于文波)
Ph.D. candidate
Email: wenbo.yu(at)foxmail.com
Research interest: Community ecology; Bodiversity invasion
Wenbo is a Ph.D. candidate major in Ecology, he wants to solve some basic ecology questions using experimental systems like bacterial microcosms.

Xiaorong Lu (卢晓蓉)
Ph.D. candidate
Email: xiaorong_lu94(at)163.com
Research interest: Microbial ecology
Xiaorong is a Ph.D. student in Ecology. She is curious about the relationship between plant and microbial diversity, and aims to explore the response of plants and microbes to nutrition addition.

Ya’ni Meng (孟亚妮)
Ph.D. candidate
Email: mengyani123(at)163.com
Research interest: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF); Biological invasion
Yani is a Ph.D. candidate with a keen interest in exploring the BEF relationships under climate changes and biological invasion.
Profiles: CV | Google Scholar

Wen’gang Zhang (张文刚)
Ph.D. student
Email: 18792733016(at)163.com
Research interest: Biological invasion
Wen’gang is a Ph.D. student who is interested in biological invasion.
Profiles: CV

Qi Yao (姚奇)
Ph.D. student
Email: qiyao.eco(at)foxmail.com
Research interest: Species coexistence; Biological invasion
Qi is a Ph.D. student who is obsessed with depicting species coexistence dynamics in diverse communities as well as understanding and predicting biological invasion.
Profiles: CV | ResearchGate

Jiamin Liu (刘嘉敏)
Ph.D. student
Email: liujiamin_snnu(at)163.com
Research interest: Biological invasion
Jiamin is a Ph.D. student in Li’s Lab who is interested in the relationship between community diversity and biological invasions.

Jiahua Hao (郝佳华)
Ph.D. student
Email: haojh258(at)yeah.net
Research interest: Microbial ecology, Meta analysis
Jiahua is a Ph.D. student of Li’s Lab who wants to study island microbial geography and meta analysis.

Shuaiwei Xu (徐帅伟)
Ph.D. student
Email: xushuaiwei98(at)163.com
Research interest: Biodiversity; Biological invasion
Shuaiwei is a Ph.D. student of Li’s Lab who is interested in plant successional dynamics.

Guomeng Zhao (赵国蒙)
Master student
Email: guomeng.zhao(at)foxmail.com
Research interest: Biodiversity & Biological invasion
Guomeng is a master student of Li’s Lab who is interested in biodiversity and biological invasion.

Caiyue Yang (杨偲越)
Master student
Email: ycy20010204(at)163.com
Research interest: Biodiversity & Community ecology
Caiyue is a master student of Li’s Lab who is interested in biodiversity and community ecology.

Xiang Li (李翔)
Master student
Email: 956568892(at)qq.com
Research interest: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF); Community ecology
Xiang is a master student of Li’s Lab who wants to study BEF relationships in the perspective of functional traits.

Jiaxi Chai (柴佳曦)
Master student
Email: 1772297226(at)qq.com
Research interest: Biodiversity & Biological invasion
Jiaxi is a master student of Li’s Lab who is interested in the mechanism of invasion under the addition of multiple resources.

Jingru Wang(王静茹)
Master student
Email: c2603001480(at)163.com
Research interest: Biodiversity & Community ecology
Jingru is a master student of Li’s Lab who is interested in biodiversity and community stability.

Your name here…
Shiyu Ma (马诗钰)
2019-2022, Postdoc, “Forest community responses to climate warming in cold regions between 1958 and 2019”
Current Position: Research Scientist of East China Normal University
Shuya Fan (范舒雅)
2019-2023, Phd student, “The patterns and drivers of angiosperms’ naturalization at regional scales”
Current Position: Postdoc of University of Konstanz
Shan Rao (饶珊)
2019-2022, Master student, “The patterns and driving mechanisms of community phylogenetic and functional structures over forest succession in Linggu Temple, Nanjing Province”
Current Position: 国家林业和草原局西南调查规划院湿地处
Xiaoye Shi (史晓叶)
2019-2022, Master student, “Patterns and mechanisms of microbial diversity along a precipitation gradient on the Tibetan Plateau”
Current Position: 上海市浦东新区民办外国语学校
Yue Li (李越)
2020-2023, Master student, “The impact of resource diversity on the coexistence of bacterial species in microcosmic systems”
Current Position: 内蒙古鄂尔多斯准格尔旗同仁学校
Yangfan Fei (费杨帆)
2020-2023, Master student, “Herbaceous plant communities responding to multi-resource additions from a functional diversity perspective”
Yansong Zhang (张岩松)
2021-2024, Master student, “Temporal dynamics of Grime’s CSR strategies in plant communities during 60 years of succession”
Bingwei Lv (吕冰薇)
2021-2024, Master student, “Trends in plant diversity changes and recovery dynamics in old field communities following the removal of invasive species”